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eBusiness checklist

This page contains a simple checklist of many of the primary processes and technologies of eBusiness. You may find some something here that you hadn't previously considered.
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Office Communications Marketing Marketing with your website Selling from your website Website income

Computer based diary / organiser

Project management software

Stock / inventory database

Customer / sales database

Supplier database

Word processing / templates

Balance sheet / profit and loss accounts (spreadsheets)



Land line telephones



Mobile phone

"Smart" mobile phone (Internet, email, organiser capable)




Search engine advertising

Mailing list / database


html emails (promotions)

Viral marketing

Press releases

EPK (electronic press kits)

RSS feeds

YouTube video

Social networks, chat rooms, blogs & discussion groups

Mobile phone advertising (text, video, games etc)

Online directories (Yell etc)

Optical discs (DVD & CDROM)


Branding (logos, favicons and site design)

Banner etc adverting on related sites

Analysis of click-through statistics

SEO (search engine optimisation)

Reciprocal linking

Free stuff (coupons, discounts, downloads, games, screensavers etc)

Loyalty programme

Soliciting testimonials

Soliciting product reviews

Mail order

Associate programmes (Amazon advantage etc)

Digital distributors

3rd party shopping cart system (PayPal etc)


Your hosting company shopping cart system

Bespoke eCommerce system


Hosting banner ads/links

Hosting pay per click ads

Affiliate programmes (Amazon. iTunes etc)