Multimedia development involves creating a wide range of different types of projects such as ...
Web sites for ...
- All kinds of business from bakers to record companies. No business should be without a web site even if its just for promotional activities.
- Software Support, downloads and updates
- Ecommerce. Online shops
- Marketing and promotional for products (cars, houses etc), films, artist web sites etc
- Self employed Sole traders selling services and skills
- Organisations such as industry organisations, government departments etc
- Entertainment
- Education such as colleges, museums etc
- etc
Company intranets (internal website's) for ...
- Training
- Internal information purposes
- Guidelines and manuals to help employees use equipment
Projected presentations for ...
- Businesses Training, sales seminars etc
- Product marketing point of sale in shops
- Training
Kiosks for ...
- Public spaces (stations, hospitals)
- Educational (museums etc)
- Art galleries
- Navigation ... maps to help you find your way around a building
CD/DVD-ROM publications ...
- Mixed format music CD-ROMs adding audio visual content to music audio CDs/DVDs.
- Magazine cover CD-ROMs to further illustrate printed articles or provide free resources to readers.
- Reference material CD-ROMs such as encyclopedia's
- Shopping catalogues
- Film promotion newspaper giveaways
Education & training with ...
- Classroom presentations
- IMLE's (Interactive Multimedia Learning Environments).
DVD interface development for ...
- Mixed mode DVDs (video for a DVD player and interactive app for computers)
- Computer based DVD-ROM presentations