This is column 1. It is set to RELATIVE positioning and is nested within the #container div box (grey border). It expands the #container box downwards as more content is added to it.

This is column 1. It is set to RELATIVE positioning and is nested within the #container div box (grey border). It expands the #container box downwards as more content is added to it.

This is column 1. It is set to RELATIVE positioning and is nested within the #container div box (grey border). It expands the #container box downwards as more content is added to it.

This is column 2 set to ABSOLUTE positioning (to ensure it maintains its positioning to the right). It does NOT expand the #container div box (grey border) downwards.

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CSS - creating a footer (footnotes)

This example demonstrates creating a footer that stays at the bottom of a page regardless of whether content is added or subtracted.

Another technique for ensuring a container (parent) box expands around floated content within it is here.

The CCS styles for this page are located in the <head> tag of this page, so just view the page source code to see what's going on.