Boxout 1

This is the 1st boxout.

This column is the 1st column. This column is the 1st column. This column is the 1st column. This column is the 1st column. This column is the 1st column. This column is the 1st column. This column is the 1st column. This column is the 1st column. This column is the 1st column. This column is the 1st column. This column is the 1st column. This column is the 1st column. This column is the 1st column. This column is the 1st column. This column is the 1st column. This column is the 1st column. This column is the 1st column.

Boxout 2

This is the 2nd boxout.

This column is the 2nd column. This column is the 2nd column. This column is the 2nd column. This column is the 2nd column. This column is the 2nd column. This column is the 2nd column. This column is the 2nd column. This column is the 2nd column. This column is the 2nd column. This column is the 2nd column. This column is the 2nd column. This column is the 2nd column. This column is the 2nd column.

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CSS - boxouts

This example demonstrates the how to create styled floating boxouts with nested <div> tags.

The CCS styles for this page are located in the <head> tag of this page, so just view the page source code to see what's going on.