Style sheets General concepts
Cascading style sheets Concepts
Styles / rules / selectors Categories explained
Box model Essential concept
Creating a style sheet and linking it to an html doc Dreamweaver advice
Restyling links (anchors) Dreamweaver advice
Basic code & tag styling suggestion Our suggestions for basic page construction
Search engine optimistaion How to build your pages
<div> tag concepts Don't use tables for layout, use <div> tags
Layout & positioning with <div> tags (layers) Using positioning and z-index properties
Centering a site in a browser window
Layout with <div> tags / layers
Using the Z-index property to control the stacking order of layers / <div> tags
Layout & positioning with Float & Clear
Basic code & tag styling suggestion Our suggestions for basic page construction
Add this selector to your stylesheet to prevent mobile devices over-riding your CSS styles ..
div, p, a, li, td { -webkit-text-size-adjust:none; }
Browser bugs Advice
Testing for errors Concepts & useful validation links
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